Degree: PhD

Duration: 4-6 years

Language: Turkish

Program Description: This program aims at elucidating the meanings of the Qur’anic verses. Its main research areas include the stylistic features of the Qur’an, the major themes of the Qur’an, the history of the textualization of the Qur’an, variant readings of the Qur’an, the history of Qur’anic exegesis, the Qur’anic sciences (‘ulum al-Qur’an), contemporary approaches to the Qur’an, the translation of the Qur’anic text into other languages, the relevance of the Semitic languages in the study of the Qur’an, and Qur’anic studies in the West. In this context, Qur’anic exegesis examines the revelation from an interdisciplinary perspective, making use of  Islamic disciplines like Hadith, History of Islam and the Life of the Prophet Muhammad as well as modern sciences such as Hermeneutics, Semantics, Anthropology, Archeology, and Semiotics. Muhammed Tayyib Okiç, the founder of the Department, and İsmail Cerrahoğlu, the first professor of tafsir in Turkey, together laid the foundation of tafsir as an independent academic discipline in Turkey. Among the other distinguished scholars in the history of the Department are Hasan Hüsnü Erdem, Ahmet Hamdi Savlı, Demirhan Ünlü, Osman Keskioğlu, Lütfi Doğan, Orhan Karmış, Mevlüt Güngör, Şevki Saka, Mehmet Paçacı, and Ömer Özsoy.

Graduation Requirements: For students who admitted with Master’s Degree, Doctoral Programs consist of at least seven courses, one seminar, other educational activities, qualifying examination, an article published in a national or international peer-reviewed journals on the relevant  field, thesis proposal and dissertation that totals to a minimum of 21 National Credits and 240 ECTS. Students should take120 from courses and seminar, 120 ECTS from thesis work that consist of specialization field courses.

For students who admitted with Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Programs consist of at least fourteen courses, two seminars, other educational activities, qualifying examination, an article published in a national or international peer-reviewed journals on the relevant  field, thesis proposal and dissertation that totals to a minimum of 42 National Credits and 300 ECTS. Students should take180 ECTS from courses and seminar, 120 ECTS from thesis work that consist of specialization field courses.

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Academic Staff